5 Benefits Of Holding A Plank For One Minute Every Day + 8 Different Plank Variations .

5 Benefits Of Holding A Plank For One Minute Every Day + 8 Different Plank Variations

Welcome to this blog post where we will explore the benefits of adding a one-minute plank to your daily routine. Planking is a simple yet effective exercise that involves holding a static position similar to a push-up, with your forearms on the ground and your body in a straight line. In this post, we will discuss why you should add planking to your daily routine, the benefits of planking, and eight different plank variations you can try.

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Planking is a great way to improve your overall health and fitness. It is a simple and effective exercise that can be done anywhere using only your body weight. By adding just one minute of planking to your daily routine, you can see improvements in your core strength, posture, calorie burn, mood, and overall fitness.

VIDEO: What Happens If You Plank Every Day For 1 Minute? + 8 Variations

Benefits of Incorporating Planking into Your Daily Routine:

#1 - Strengthen Your Core: Planking is one of the best exercises for strengthening your core muscles, including your abs, back, and hips. A strong core can help improve your posture, balance, and stability.

#2 - Improve Your Posture: Planking helps to strengthen the muscles in your back and neck, which can help to improve your posture and reduce the risk of back pain.

#3 - Burn Calories: Planking is a great way to increase your heart rate and burn calories, making it a great addition to any weight loss or fitness routine.

#4 - Boost Your Mood: Exercise has been shown to have a positive effect on mental health, and planking is no exception. Incorporating just one minute of planking into your daily routine can help boost your mood and reduce stress and anxiety.

#5 - Convenient and Easy to Do: Unlike some other exercises that require a lot of equipment or a gym membership, planking can be done anywhere at any time. All you need is a flat surface and a few minutes of your time.

Durable Exercise Mat For Planks

Eight Different Plank Variations You can do in a minute:

#1 - Traditional Plank: This is the classic plank where your forearms are on the ground, your elbows are under your shoulders, and your body is in a straight line.

#2 - Side Plank: This is similar to the traditional plank, but you keep your body straight and hold yourself up with one arm.

#3 - Plank Jacks: This is a fun variation of the traditional plank where you jump your feet in and out while in a plank position.

#4 - Elbow Plank: This move is similar to the regular plank, but instead of using your forearms for support, you use your elbows.

#5- Dynamic Plank: A dynamic plank involves moving or switching positions while in a plank position, like lifting one arm or one leg at a time.

#6 - Plank Up Downs: A plank variation in which you start in a push-up position, move into a plank position, and then move back to a push-up position.

#7 - Reverse Plank: In this plank variation, you sit on the ground with your legs stretched out and your hands behind your back. You then lift your hips off the ground to get into a reverse plank position.

#8 - Spiderman Plank: This is a variation on the plank where you bring one knee to the elbow.

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Before starting any new exercise routine, it's always a good idea to talk to a trainer or doctor for advice. It's important to remember that consistency is the most important thing when it comes to seeing results. Start small and gradually improve over time.

Incorporating a one-minute plank into your daily routine is an easy and effective way to improve your overall health and fitness. Give it a try today and see how it can improve your core strength, posture, calorie burn, mood, and overall fitness. Remember, you don't need any equipment

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